Category Archives: Thinking Out Loud

I got in with the Marines!

Good morning guys! How many of you are enjoying the warmer weather? Yesterday, I was able to get a nice easy run done OUTDOORS (Yes, you read that correctly, no treadmill was used). I hope winter is making its way out…I am needing the warmer weather in my life.

Enough talk about the weather. After all, this isn’t a weather blog (not too sure what kind of blog this is, really).

Let’s get moving on to Amanda’s Thursday Link Up! For those not familiar with this weekly link up, it a post of random thoughts, musings and pictures.Something I enjoy participating in…a chance for me to rant and have my random thoughts be a bit “organized” in a way.


As mentioned yesterday, I’ve joined Julie’s Clean All The Things Week. Each night this week, I vow  plan to sort through one room, closet, drawer, cabinet, etc. to clean and organize my life  house. (Yes, I am overly excited about this decision. I love the feeling of a well-organized life house…it allows my OCD tendencies to be used in a productive manner).

This is last night’s Cleaning Madness  project: Tackling my desk…old papers and notebooks.

photo 2

Speaking of my OCD tendencies, I love my Garmin because it provides me with numbers. Numbers that I can analyze, turn around, upside down and do it all again. I love seeing trends in my training and sometimes even being surprised by runs that do not fit my typical pace/mile pattern (Which usually means I had an awesome fast run…which I’m really missing lately).

Yesterday at noon, I was glued to my computer feverishly waiting for my big chance to register for the Marine Corps 17.75K race on April 12, 2014. For those of you not familiar with this race, it is a BIG deal. How so??? Registration for this race sold out in 9 minutes! By completing this race, I am guaranteed a bib to race the ultimate Marine Corps Marathon on October 26, 2014. So yeah…I know have two amazing races to add to my race calendar! Looks like my new shoes are in definite need for some mileage now.


Good thing I recently won Katie’s giveaway for these! Lots of carb loading happens in this house!


Your turn:

What is your favorite way to carbo load?

Do you have any races coming up?

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I’ve been alive for 30 something years and FINALLY tried yoga.

Good morning guys! I am writing as DC has pretty much gone into a state of emergency at the idea of a few inches of snow.Yes, I’m guessing it will be a restless, cabin-fever, kind of day  snow day today for sure…my home office will be put to use.

But moving on to join Amanda’s Thursday Link Up! For those not familiar with this weekly link up, it a post of random thoughts, musings and pictures.Something I enjoy participating in…a chance for me to rant and have my random thoughts be a bit “organized” in a way.


So let’s get to it!

1) I was supposed to be running the Boston Marathon this year. And that would have been great…for many reasons…but a little boy decided to be born right in the midst of my training. I And I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Since Boston is something I can’t do right now. I’m planning to put in some miles to make me happy and hopefully get me across the finish line of some upcoming half marathons. I have to remind myself that my ultimate goal is to be a HEALTHY mother runner for life.

Dear Boston Marathon,

Even though I will not be at your starting line this year. I will get there; mark my miles!


Jenn B.

2) I love the fact that I pushed myself out of my “safe zone” and did something yesterday that scared me. After writing up yesterday’s post, I was motivated to try a public yoga class. Yes, my friends, a public one. You see, I am nowhere near being a yogi. The extent of my yoga experiences are stretching and foam rolling after a run…yeah, that’s not really considered yoga…Anywho, I did it (or attempted to do it). Not completely sure what I thought of it. Was it a good teacher? A good class? Not sure, I have no other yoga experience to compare it to. I’ll keep you posted on my downward dog progress (if there is any).

foam rollers

3) In the above mentioned yoga class, I found myself comparing myself to the others in the class…all of them so flexible and talented for a Yoga 1 class. I realized there was no way that I was going to be able to do the poses correctly if my mind was busy falling into the comparison trap. Besides, I knew that I had to stop thinking about my wobbling knees and start being present or else I was going to fall on my face…for the third time that hour.

Instead, I started breathing with intention (as originally instructed to do since the start of the class). Inhale. Exhale. I realized something in class last night,I spend a lot of time judging myself (back to a previous post). Again, I am working on acceptance and trusting that life is teaching me things through my current attempts at change.

all is well

4) Tomorrow is the Big Valentine’s Day. It will be my first one with a child. Looks like I will be staying in and ordering take out and watching the NEW season of House of Cards. Sounds like a lovely evening to me. Life has been pretty busy lately, and an evening in is just what I am needing.

5) I have some BIG ideas brewing in my heart and mind, so stay tuned for DREAMING BIG announcements!

DREAMING BIG with the changes in my life.

DREAMING BIG with the changes in my life.

Your turn:

What is a race that you are going to get to?

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?

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I’m a Ragnar Ambassador!

Good morning guys! I hope you are surviving the cold weather…I am…barely.

But moving on to join Amanda’s Thursday party. Love a good party. AND a good glass of wine (don’t worry, no wine is being consumed at this hour, as I have a job to do).

For those not familiar with it, it a post of random thoughts, musings and pictures.So let’s get to it!


Today is one day closer to the weekend and one day closer to crossing off a race on my race calendar. There are no expectations for this race, as I have mentioned in my previous posts that I have been lazy relaxed with my training and practicing being a Sole Soul Runner,this month for various reasons. It’s working out nice this way.


Now if only I could find me one of these to chase me. Or someone to chase me…

Today is another day of digging around for the treasure I am seeking, a new job that I wake up excited for! I will find it soon my friends. And I encourage you to do the same (unless of course you already have that. If you do, I’m so happy you are listening to your heart).

A reminder to myself each day : )

A reminder to myself each day : )

Speaking of doing something I always wanted to do…I have some exciting news to share from yesterday’s post…you know…the one with the 3:16 AM wake up call?!


Aren’t I so kind for not making you wait a week to hear my news, like most shows before Netflix had us do?!

I’m an official Ragnar Relay Series Ambassador! And I could not be any more excited than I am. Seriously guys, I am having a really hard time sitting still in my seat (well that isn’t fairly new, I’ve always been a bit of an ADHD person multi-tasker). But I think you get my point on how blessed I feel for this amazing opportunity! 24 sleep deprived, sweaty, hours of running? My friends, that is my heaven.

As a Ragnar Ambassador I Have been tasked with the following mission:

I, Jenn,a Ragnar Ambassador, do pledge to introduce those who have not yet had the pleasure (poor darlings) to the magic and celebration that is a Ragnar Relay. To help friends and strangers understand, plan, decorate for and conquer a Ragnar Relay. And to lead by my own example, that the hours spent connecting with friends, conquering a Ragnar, and celebrating the accomplishment are among the most awesome that life has to offer.
I AM a PROUD Ragnar Ambassador!

I AM a PROUD Ragnar Ambassador!

If you are interested in the DC relay, I am your Ragnar guru girl : )
And now, I leave you with this…the official Ragnar “Must Have” (according to me) from Target.
Great Ragnar Fuel

Great Ragnar Fuel

Okay, moving on…

Tonight, I am having some Stroller Warriors over for dinner and I am attempting making this! Wish me luck, as my culinary skills are rusty (don’t worry it’s just an expression of speech…I swear my dinner guests will be served a rust free meal).

Your turn:

Have you ever run a Ragnar?

What is your “go to” recipe for dinner guests? 

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Thinking out Loud #2

Good Morning my friends! I am so happy it’s Thursday. Not only is it one day closer to the weekend (the days I get to spend all my time with my little man) but it is also time to join in on Amanda’s :


I am sitting here admiring the new outfit my son was sent from a good friend serving overseas, too cute! AND it makes me crave Pho…

snow day

My latest “Morning Must Have” used to be this…


Now it is this. Yes, I failed at meal planning and grocery shopping this week. No excuses other than the fact I am being lazy.

FREE from a recent hotel stay.

FREE from a recent hotel stay.

I am practicing my Word of the Year, COURAGE, by handing in my resignation letter at my current job. It’s been something I have been thinking praying about for the past 6 months. Now, if I can just find the time to apply for other jobs as I wrap up my last 30 days at my current place. (Warning: I am experiencing an intense need for a complete career change…more thoughts to come on this, as I form them)

I am liking this post, always a great reminder for me to face my fears and continue believing good will come from my impulsive  courageous acts!

I need to keep believing good things are coming soon!

I need to keep believing good things are coming soon!

Time to shovel the snow and find my way to the car to dig it out from under the igloo that has morphed itself over the car. Better not be any damage, as I am leasing this four wheel -monthly payment-item.

Till next time my friends…

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Thinking out Loud #1

Good Morning my friends! I am so happy it’s Thursday. Not only is it one day closer to the weekend (the days I get to spend all my time with my little man) but it is also time to join in on Amanda’s :


Have you ever found yourself reverting Back to the ’80’s with your running shorts? Especially when they are on the clearance rack at Target…


My latest “Morning Must Have”…


My alarm went off bright and early this AM and as I sit here typing up this post, I cannot help but feel jealous of my dog (Yes, he mimics the humans in the house and truly believes he is part of the human race):


I only had to wait through the fourteen years of silence but it was well worth the wait! Bridget Jones is back!!!


And I’ll leave you with the newest addition to my life, a toothbrush sanitizer: Best Invention Ever! (And Yes, I keep my toothbrush in the linen closed with a sanitizer cover on it…no OCD here, I promise).


Time to wake the dog from his slumber and stand in the freezing cold begging him to poop quickly so I can head to the office and THEN get myself into an endorphin induced state…an evening run.

Till next time my friends…

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