Tag Archives: Goals

Training Talk Tuesday: Motivation

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday! I hope you enjoyed your long weekend (for those of you whom had yesterday off). I had to work yesterday but did manage to get a nice new pair of shoes AND a bunch of clearance prized Valentine’s Day Chocolates (don’t judge, my soul is needing comfort…besides, I love the sweet messages Dove provides in each heart).


This morning,  I am continuing with my  weekly series called ‘Training Talk Tuesdays’. For those of you who are new readers, each Tuesday, the running coach in me comes out and I write about training for a race of various distances. Hope you join in the fun each week and be sure to email me with any specific questions you may have that you want me to cover in this series. Contact me.

(Disclaimer: Although, I am a RRCA Certified Running Coach, the information, I post may not be right for you. Please speak with a medical professional before making any changes to your current routine).

Motivation:  Personally, I was lacking in this department but have recently made a switch and rediscovered my inner spark.But this still will be a great way for me to remind myself of ways to continue with having my new founded motivation, as well as helping others whom may be lacking it themselves.


Hmmm…Good Question!

This winter has been a  big adjustment for me (first time living in snow…ever!) and first winter having a baby to care for. I share this because I understand now why winter months (especially ones that include ice and snow) can be so challenging. However, recently, my motivation is picking up and here are things I have been doing to get me moving  running.

1) I remind myself that my runs are about Training, NOT Exercising.The difference between the two are that when I focus on Training, I’m reminded of how my running isn’t about “losing weight, getting in bikini shape, etc” it’s about challenging myself in ways that I never thought I could perform. Crossing each training session off my calendar and getting a feeling of satisfaction, rather than a focus on “calories burned or how many more pounds to lose”. When Training, my runs have purpose and are lifestyle focused.

running changed my life

2) I take time to look back on my goals set for the year, reassess where I am at with moving towards my goals (this takes me being really honest with myself) and writing out a plan of what actions I must take, each day, to continue moving towards my goals. The key to this is flexibility being a part of the plan. My struggle this winter has been practicing flexibility in my training, rather than getting caught up in a perfection mindset (more on this in #3). Being flexible and creative when weather or life throws a curve ball in our training plan can help us. Rather than being discouraged and “throwing in the towel” on our training  completely, because it hasn’t been going as planned.

Goals for 2014

3) When snow days happen or sleep deprived nights occur, my planned runs may not happen. it is then, I need to remind myself that Training is ultimately, a lifestyle and “life happens”. When I can’t do my scheduled training, I can feel down and discouraged. I am then guilty of “throwing in the towel” at times, and thinking, “Guess, this race will stink…no point in continuing”.(Yes, my Negative Nancy attitude comes out and wants me to believe if I can’t do all my training as planned, I mind as well do none. Crazy thinking, right??!!)

My goal is to continue practicing flexibility and focusing on making progress towards my goals, not Negative Nancy’s “all or nothing thinking” that strives for perfection…which doesn’t exist!

progress not perfection

Your turn:

What is one running goal you have for 2014?

Is there a topic you want me to cover for Training Talk Tuesdays?

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